Choosing an Insulation Contractor
When choosing an insulation contractor, it is very important the home owner carries out a level of research and due diligence to check the contractor is trained and competent to install the product and the insulation materials are fit for their intended purpose.
The NSAI have warned, substandard retrofit insulation, can be hugely detrimental, not only to the property, but it could also potentially pose a risk to health. NSAI recommends six steps all homeowners should take before deciding on an insulation contractor.
Six Steps for Homeowners
1.Check that the contractor is an NSAI registered installer. A full list is available on the NSAI website, Registered Installers.
2. Check that ALL products used are certified by NSAI, on Cavity wall / External Insulation
3. Check that the contractor is fully insured.
4. Check that the contractor is registered with Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) for grant works. It is important that this registration is active; otherwise you could lose eligibility for your grant payment.
5. Always ask for references and if possible, go see completed projects.
6. Ask about warranties, verify and READ ALL SMALL PRINT. Remember that no warranty will be honoured if the insulation system is not installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Questions to ask the contractor
In order to receive an SEAI grant the work must be carried out by a contractor who has registered with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. SEAI have provided guidance on the type of questions which should be asked of a contractor. These can be found in the SEAI Homeowners Guides or in the in the case of solar PV, on the SEAI website.
Roof / Attic Insulation
Roof insulation Contractors must be competent to complete the installation. The Contractor must complete the work as set out in S.R.54 Code of Practice for Energy Efficient Retrofit of dwellings published by the NSAI. Contractors must install the insulation in accordance with the SEAI domestic technical standards and specifications and the Technical Guides supplied by the material manufacturer. Roof insulation contractors should have completed a FETAC level 5 or equivalent in attic insulation installation.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Cavity wall insulation
In accordance with the SEAI “Domestic Technical Standards and Specifications” cavity wall insulation Contractors must be approved by the NSAI Agrément scheme. Contractors carrying out Cavity wall insulation works must be on the directory “NSAI Agrément Registered Blown Cavity Wall Installation Companies” and must carry out the installation to the standards required by this approval and certification.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Internal insulation (dry lining)
In accordance with the SEAI “Domestic Technical Standards and Specifications” Internal wall insulation Contractors must be competent to install same and must complete the work to the standard set out in S.R.54 Code of Practice for Energy Efficient Retrofit of dwellings published by the NSAI and to the guidance in Internal Wall Insulation in existing housing – a guide for specifiers and contractors (CE17/GPG138) published by the Energy Saving Trust. Where the manufacturer operates an Approved Installer list, the Contractor must demonstrate their inclusion on the list or certification by the manufacturer. Insulation must be installed in accordance with NSAI (or equivalent) Agrément certificate and by suitably qualified people. Before commencing internal dry-lining works, the Customer must be made aware of the effect on room sizes, services and decoration.
Note: Internal Wall Insulation works started after the 1st November 2019 will require compliance with the “Major Renovation” section of Part L of the Building Regulations, where more than 25 % of the surface of the building envelope undergoes renovation.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
external wall insulation
In accordance with the SEAI “Domestic Technical Standards and Specifications” Contractors installing external wall insulation must be approved as installers by the manufacturers of the product being installed. Contractors for external wall insulation must also be NSAI Agrément registered External Insulation installers and must carry out the installation to the standards required by the NSAI Agrément Approval Scheme for Installers of External Thermal Insulating Composite Systems (ETICS).
Note: External Wall Insulation works started after the 1st November 2019 will require compliance with the “Major Renovation” section of Part L of the Building Regulations, where more than 25 % of the surface of the building envelope undergoes renovation.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Check out the contractors response by visiting their profile page.
Homeowners guides
SEAI have developed homeowner guides for attic, internal & external insulation. These documents provide an excellent starting point on what to do when thinking of upgrading your home. You should take the time to read them fully before starting your enquiry’s.
seai domestic technical standards & specifications
Paragraphs 6.1 to 6.5 of the SEAI Domestic Technical Standards & Specifications, covers the specific measures associated with contractor competency & installation standards for insulation products.
SR54 2014: Code of practice for the energy efficent retrofit of dwellings
Chapter 6 & 7 of the NSAI SR54 Code of Practice for the energy efficient retrofit of dwellings provides guidance on retrofitting of roof & wall insulation.